Exploring further 01-09-19


Continuing with the ongoing unit, students interviewed the facilitators of different grades and identified various healthy and unhealthy practices on a worksheet.

They further inquired about food as an important contributor to health with a thumbs up-thumbs down activity. Students further illustrated the healthy and unhealthy food items under two categories. They participated in a class discussion on different food groups and followed it up by reading a story about the importance of healthy food. https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/21234228/Learning-About-Food-Groups#page/4

Students carried out a sorting activity where they segregated different food items on the food pyramid.


Students revisited the concept of place value using an abacus. Taking their learning further, they explored the use of graph paper to represent a set of numbers on it.

Students were shown an audio visual named ‘Even Steven’ to brush up their concept of even and odd numbers. They attempted a practice worksheet on the same. Students also practiced creating two-digit even and odd numbers using three single-digit numbers. Further, they represented the same, using bars of tens and blocks of ones, with class manipulatives.

Reading and writing of number names from 1 to 10 was practiced by the students that were shown to them using flash cards.


Students read a poem and engaged in visual imagery. They were assessed on their spellings with a spell bee. They were shown an online story ‘Food Fit’ that talked about the importance of healthy food. The students then reflected on their understanding of the story. A ‘Take and Talk’ activity helped students reinstate the five factors that promote good health. Students revisited the blends ‘sh’ and ‘st’ by writing words in their journals.


To enhance reading and writing skills, students were introduced to ‘आ’ ki maatraa. For practice, they read and wrote two and three letter words. They also saw a story, बढ्ने का रहस्य (badhne ka rahsya) and presented their understanding through visual imagery. To enhance viewing and presenting skills, students learned about good habits through a PPT. They drew images and presented their work in class. They attempted a spellbee to improve their vocabulary.


Using MS-Paint, students designed their plate with various types of food that promote healthy food habits. Students searched for images of healthy and unhealthy food using Google Chrome. They learned to copy and paste images from Chrome to MS-Paint. Students were briefed about the importance of academic honesty and giving credit for the copied images. They enhanced their research skills while doing various tasks.


Dance Lessons focused on the development of rhythm patterns and flexibility. Movements were created based on simple rhythmic combinations with large isolated steps. Solitary performance was also introduced.


Students learned how to express themselves visually using rulers, keeping the proportions of their artwork in mind. This activity helped them to hone their fine motor and thinking skills.


Students learned about notes and note values and inquired how they are used in music. They were able to count and play different note values. Students have progressed to playing these notes on the Congo.

Social Emotional learning (SEL)

As a part of their social emotional learning, students gained more knowledge about self – awareness. They were helped to understand the difference between thoughts and feelings through various interactive and self-reflective sessions wherein, they were encouraged to segregate the thought from feeling.

PE & Skating

Students developed their basic motor skills with the help of different lead-up and recreational games, which included jumping, running and hopping. They practiced walking and balancing on skates during their skating lessons.


Students listened to the story of ‘The Little Princess’ by Tony Ross, that narrated the tale about a little princess who did not want to go to bed. This story will resonate with every parent and children will love the fact that they are not the only ones who can come up with some clever ways to put off sleep for just “one more minute.”

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