6 March 2020


Students enhanced their thinking skills by reflecting upon the properties that determine the materials used in making of shoes worn on different occasions, during book reading of, ‘Shoes, shoes and shoes’.

A take and talk activity was conducted to assess students on their knowledge of properties of materials.

Learning about science encourages curiosity and ingenuity and enables  students to develop an understanding of how the world works. Students conducted and observed experiments on different topics such as whether an object would sink or float in water, selection of an appropriate material to make an object, thereby strengthening their understanding of the properties .

Learning engagements were organized wherein students observed simple experiments such as how boiling water changes into gas and how the wax melts and changes its state upon coming in contact with heat. This helped the students make meaningful real-life connections with the third line of inquiry about change.

Promoting play as inquiry-based learning, students were encouraged to explore and sort various objects based on their properties through a floor game.

Students showcased their knowledge gained during the observation of experiments by choosing different mediums like, recording on iPads, creating posters or using a Visual Thinking Routine; thereby facilitating opportunities to exercise student agency and take ownership of their learning.

To scaffold their learning, students were given scenarios like;After you have taken bath what do you use to dry yourself, what material is that object made from and why?’

Class discussions enabled students to understand the reversible and irreversible changes that occur in the state of materials and summarized their understanding of the same based on the experiments observed earlier.

Further, students articulated their observations on the experiments using a Visual Thinking Routine. They were then offered the opportunity to demonstrate their creative thinking skills by designing a room and choosing the materials that best suited their requirements.


Students undertook the summative assessment on measurements.

Different stations were set up to provide opportunities to engage in exploring the concept of subtraction through poems, experiments, observations, games and application of critical thinking skills.

Furthermore, they learned about various strategies used in subtraction like while working with the number line and Montessori number rods. Students strengthened the concept of subtraction using different manipulatives.


English lessons were integrated with the unit of inquiry, where students listened to the story of ‘Three little pigs’. During this activity, students specifically inquired into the guiding questions like, ‘Which material was used in making the houses? Which is the best suited material for constructing a house? and so on.

Students played scavenger hunt game to explore the materials placed in various learning spaces of the school. They wrote about the materials used in these objects and their properties.

Students undertook an assessment on articles using the exit ticket strategy.


Students wrote words of ‘ai’ (ऐ) maatraa and formed sentences with the same. They enhanced their thinking skills by making words using LMA(large moving alphabet). They listened to a story and recalled  words to hone their listening & writing skills.

An experiment related to change in the state of materials was also undertaken.


The students were introduced to dynamics ( volume and loudness ) of the sound / note in music. They learned about different types of dynamics and their uses.

To understand more about the element of dynamics, students practiced singing the song, ‘Ashayein’ with and without dynamics.


To work on their creative thinking skills, students created a free expression as a layout for their mixed media art using a medium of newspaper. The success criteria for their work was proportion, neatness and the appropriate usage of the elements of composition.


Students built upon and strengthened the concept about ‘properties of materials’ with the help of  an iPad app. They compared the properties of different types of materials using various activities given in the app.


This week students’ reading logs were checked and assessed by asking a few questions about the stories they had read. The final count of the books read by the students were registered and the same will be updated on the library reading tree.


Dance lessons focused on body isolations using repetitive steps. Balance and coordination were also introduced with the understanding of musicality ( how dancers hear, interpret and dance to music). Students practiced large isolated steps using hand and leg movement.


Students continued developing their basic motor skills. They enjoyed the basketball sessions.

Day camp by Rocksport

In a constant endeavour to create flexible, inviting and intentional learning spaces that support agency, inquiry, physical and emotional well-being of students, school organised a fun filled day camp. The activities organized in the camp aimed at developing a sense of independence and confidence amongst the students. They challenged themselves and tried various activities that helped them develop social and self-management skills on March 2,2020.


The students of Grade 1B presented an assembly on the festival of Holi on 6th March, 2019. They spoke confidently about the reasons behind the celebration of the festival. The presentation included information on the season and story connected with the festival. The students were informed about the natural materials that can be used as colours for celebrating the festival and the special sweet prepared for this day. During the presentation some of these materials were shown to the students to give them a first-hand knowledge. They also got to know about some festivals around the world that are similar to the festival of Holi.    

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